
A situação de um chamado indica o seu progresso em direção ao resultado e pode ser:

  • novo

  • aberto

  • fechado

  • merged (this Ticket has been merged into another Ticket. Check either the linked tickets or the ticket history to learn more)

  • pendente para fechar (ou seja, agendado para ser fechado automaticamente em uma data posterior)

  • pendente (ou seja, oculto, mas agendado para reaparecer em uma data posterior)

State colors

Zammad states are color-coded. This helps you to understanding the state of the ticket much faster in general - without having a look into details.



Adiado (marcado como suspenso; nenhuma ação imediata é requerida)

Novo / Aberto (pronto para ação)

Escalonado (demanda ação imediata)

What’s the difference between “new” and “open”?

States do more than just indicate progress: Zammad has a fine-grained time tracking feature (so-called “service-level agreements”, or SLAs) that uses state information to measure how long it takes for customers to get a response on a new ticket or get their issues resolved entirely.

On a new ticket, the customer still hasn’t received her first response on the issue.

On an open ticket, the customer has received an initial response, but the issue still hasn’t been resolved.


⏱️ Chamados na situação pendente não acumula tempo de trabalho e não aciona os limites de uma SLA.

So, for instance, a ticket may be marked pending reminder if it’s waiting on feedback from a third-party supplier who’s out of town until next week.