Fluxos de trabalho sugeridos

Compartilhando o trabalho em um chamado

Some tickets require attention from more than one agent (or even more than one department!). In these cases, there are three ways to assign the work to the right people:

  1. If a ticket is really about two different problems, you can split it in two, then assign each ticket to its respective “group” (department).

  2. If you’ve done all you can on a ticket and it’s now another agent’s (or department’s) responsibility, reassign it to a new owner (or group).

  3. If you just need another agent’s input on something, you can @mention them. (And if you want to get notifications for someone else’s ticket, use the subscribe button.)

Reassigning tickets

Reassigning tickets in the ticket pane

Reassign a ticket (via the Group and Owner settings) to let colleagues know you’re done with your part.

Suponha que uma chamada entre no departamento de vendas. Um represente de vendas atende, cria um chamado e pesquisa alguns preços para o cliente. Depois de fazer algumas anotações, o representante decide que o chamado precisa ser transferido para o serviço de atendimento ao consumidor.

Our sales rep can simply un-assign himself as the owner of the ticket and re-assign the ticket to the Customer Service group. All customer service agents will be notified of the incoming ticket, and the first available agent can assign herself to pick up where the sales rep left off.


Tenha certeza de que deixo notas no chamado com tanta informação quanto possível para o próximo agente!

@mentions & the Subscribe Button

Now suppose you’ve reassigned the ticket to customer service. You won’t receive notifications for this ticket anymore, but maybe this is a really important contract, and you want to make sure they have an A+ experience from start to finish.

To enable notifications for a ticket that doesn’t belong to you, simply click the Subscribe button at the bottom of the ticket pane:

Screencast of the Subscribe button feature

A list of all tickets you’re subscribed to can be found in the My mentioned Tickets overview.

Or, suppose you don’t want to reassign the ticket to customer service—you just have one quick question for them, and then you can take it from there.

To start sending someone else notifications for your own ticket, type @@ in the message composer and select their name from the pop-up menu:

Screencast of the @mention feature

@mentioning a colleague in a message will automatically subscribe them to your ticket.


⚙️ Notification settings

Check your Perfil e configurações to customize how you receive notifications.

Can’t see a ticket, in which a colleague @mentioned you?

Is the ticket assigned to a group that you don’t belong to? @mentions and subscriptions only work for tickets that you already have access to.

Quickly assign in ticket listings

Within overviews and detailed searches you can run bulk operations on tickets. This means you can adjust the following ticket information:

  • group

  • owner

  • state (with pending time if applicable)

  • priority

After pressing “Confirm”, Zammad also allows you to provide an internal or public note of why you adjusted the settings.

Zammad will not ask for time accounting values in bulk actions.

Bulk action via drop-downs:
Bulk operations in overviews and detailed searches

Use the check boxes in ticket listings to select a bunch of tickets. Now use below drop-downs to change ticket settings, press confirm and provide a note if you’d like.

Bulk action via drag and drop:

🤓 You can change owners and groups even faster 🚀

Drag selected tickets and drop then on a group or agent to change ticket group / owner

Instead of using the drop-downs on the bottom of Zammad, you can also drag tickets. A new modal will appear and allow you to drop your selection on either just a group or agents. This operation allows you to quickly change the group and owner without further hassle!

This functionality is only available in ticket overviews.